'Each and every one of us can make changes in the way we live our lives'

'Each and every one of us can make changes in the way we live our lives and become part of the solution' [to climate change], Al Gore.

It is now clear that we are part of a gigantic organism which is instinctively oriented towards indiscriminately devouring those resources around it for short-term gain. But for a number of years now this energy-consuming short-sightedness has had to reckon with a new generation of evangelizers who ask us to consider the true and future meaning of the wealth arising from protection of the ecosystem surrounding us.

This network seems certain to build an ideal platform to spread this new awareness, this mission to help sustainability…

Do you believe in it too? If so, what are you doing to contribute to this process to make people more sensitive?


'Imagination means nothing without doing' Charles Spencer Chaplin

Imagination is a gift of immeasurable value, one which enables us to step up a gear, and overtake our adversaries in any form of competition, whether it is in sport or professionally. But in the same way that ‘Power is nothing without Control’, so too the Power of the Imagination can be lost if it doesn’t have the support of experience and the necessary application to turn intuition into concrete facts …


'The greatest virtue of man is perhaps curiosity' Anatole France

Cultivating your curiosity is like perpetuating the vitality of your way of thinking; it’s an elixir for long life. Just like the fascination with discovery, which leads children to take on life with a smile which mingles unawareness and playfulness, and helps them day by day to become masters of their surroundings – so too the desire to explore and experiment with new approaches to reality is an essential prerequisite for adults to give life to innovation…