The empires of the future are the empires of the mind

This is what Sir Winston Churchill said during his speech at Harvard University, in 1943, where he received an honorary degree.

We now are living the future of which he spoke.

What do you think about? What is your opinion? Is greatness a responsibility too? Are the future leaders of our world equipped to expand those empires globally for the benefit of humankind?


The things that you do should be things that you love...

‘The things that you do should be things that you love and the things that you love should be things that you do’

The final passionate interview with Ray Bradbury, who talked about his immense love for writing and writers. A passion which led him, in 1953, to write ‘Fahrenheit 451’, in which he describes a future without books.

‘Do the things that you love’: this is his encouragement, based on his own experience. Bradbury was a self-taught writer who couldn’t afford to go to college, but pursued his dream of becoming a writer with dedication, sacrifice and great passion.


‘I will change the world’

That’s how Peter Weyland put it in a hypothetical conference held in a futuristic TED in 2023. Peter Weyland – President of Weyland Corp – spoke to us about his vision of the future, a future where man has supplanted God and has become so powerful that he can create androids in a laboratory which are the same as human beings, and thereby causing some disputes about the limits medicine and technology should not exceed.

‘If there is no air to breath, we will simply have to make it…’ This is the universe which Ridley Scott – the creator of this viral video – brought to life more than twenty years ago with the films Blade Runner and Alien, a system based on the ability to innovate, amaze and exceed the limits of human ambition.