Imagining The Future With… Francesco Morace

The only way to face the crisis in a serious and focused way, for a company today, is to ask yourself about values. I am talking about Values with a capital V, that emerge from the depths of the heart and experience of everyone. Pirelli, with its initiative on Values has realized this need and for this reason has received an extraordinary following from hundreds of young, that have told and expressed their visions of the world, with the typical speed of the digital dimension, yet offering reflections that are never dull and that are in line with the major changes that have taken place in recent months.

I have had the pleasure in participating in their project guiding the Company in a sociological reading of all the material collected which has confirmed the four major directions – using the studies and research from the Future Concept Lab – we have defined the Paradigms for the Future.

I read and interpreted hundreds of phrases and comments from all over the world, and I was moved to confirm the existence of a fine thread that unites millions of people from all four corners of the world, that in their diversity very often they show great harmony, a universal belonging to the human dimension. In times of crisis this is a ray of hope for the future.


The future’s bright… Stand out from the crowd and be an individual

With its initiative “Imagining the future with…”, we wanted to find out what young and new talent was out there, and we were more than pleasantly surprised to discover that our world is in the hands of some brilliant young minds. The response to the task was overwhelming and it proved to be very difficult for our international panelists to come up with the winners. So we decided to give you, our fans, the opportunity to decide who would be the 11th member to join the team coming to do an internship at our HQ in “innovation capital”, Milan.

The remaining 26 Values went live on our Facebook page and you clicked in your thousands but the Value that received the most attention overall was very clear to us at the close of play yesterday evening.

Mohamad Nassar from the German University in Egypt, received a staggering 1092 clicks from his fans with his remarkable and thought provoking Value “Standing Out”…

Stand out from the crowd and be an individual, Everyone of us was born different. Everyone of us was born unique. Only when we acknowledge our differences and capitalize on our unique points of strength, that we will be able to stand out and contribute to our societies in a way that no other person has ever done before.

We would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read and click for your Value for the Future and to those of you who took part in this initiative. We hope you will continue to follow the progress of the lucky and talented 11 as they join us for their experience with us here at Pirelli and we will continue to keep you up-to-date with more news and views on Imagining the Future With…so keep following us.

We all want a brighter future, we can all make a difference. How do you visualise the future…?


The future realised in just ten words

This year we have broadened our horizons to include the thoughts of the brilliant young minds of the future. We decided to promote the initiative “Imagining the future with…” with the intention of offering students worldwide the possibility to participate in telling us their visions and values for a better future.

Students took part from all over the world and with the help of our international jury (Sebastian Vettel, Steve Mc Curry, Giuseppe Tornatore, Thomas Goetz, Carlo Ratti, Bina Agarwal) and after over 600 applicants, 150 universities taking part and over 10,900 hits via our Facebook dedicated App, they finally came up with10 outstanding proposals!

We have great pleasure in announcing their names here:

Caterina Andolfato

Michele Riva

Mignote Solomon Haile

Brian Shaw

Mariam Bassem

Nathan Petrin Baranauskas

Dora Madalina Guzu

Dawid Baranowski

Mila Devenport

Kyle Yarrington

These fortunate few are to receive a paid 2 month internship at the Pirelli HQ in Milan, Italy. And their Value will be realised in the form of a cartoon by the legendary cartoonist from the New Yorker, Liza Donnelly and published in the 2012 Pirelli Annual Report.

We would like to thank all those who took part and congratulate the ten who were successful!

Thank you and well done.