What the panel are looking for…

Take a look at why our panel of experts from the fields of technology, science, economics, art and culture are so excited about our latest project. Our aim is to encourage brilliant young minds and offer them the chance to be involved in collecting ideas and contributions about their visions and values for the future of tomorrow. “Imagining the Future with…”

Bina Agarwal

I accepted the invitation to serve on the jury of this competition because I am very interested in learning about the values that young women and men hold today. It is their values that will shape the future of our society and of our planet. Will they help create a more just, equitable, and humane world? Will they be tolerant of difference and work together for the common good? Will they be curious and innovative, enterprising and forward looking? Will they care about nature’s intrinsic value and not merely its instrumental worth? I am sure their answers will be illuminating.

Thomas Goetz

It's been just 20 years since the world wide web was created, which means we're on the dawn of the second digital generation. This one is not only coming of age with digital tools, they're entering amid a fully digital culture. In other words, their opportunities and demands will be still greater and more profound that those of the past 20 years. Pirelli's Imagining the Future project is a terrific effort to start this conversation and to kindle these opportunities. I can't wait to see what the students come up with.

Steve McCurry

For a photographer, curiosity isn't a luxury; it is a necessity.
It was curiosity that piqued my interest in the project, "Imaging the Future".
Society changes in surprising and unpredictable ways, and looking at art created by students can reveal those changes before many even realize that change has taken place. Images spread rapidly through social networks and have immediate impact, which pinpoint changes in values that can be surprising and revelatory.

Carlo Ratti

At the SENSEable City Lab our aims is to investigate and intervene at the interface between people, technologies and the city, delivering research and applications that empower citizens to make choices that result in a more livable urban condition. We believe that these questions will be at the center of tomorrow's architectural debate...and the youths of today are the agents of change for the smart cities of tomorrow.

Giuseppe Tornatore

"I want to immerse myself in the consideations of young people from around the world, called upon to express their opinions on the theme of the future, words needed to re-acquire the sense of trust and hope that they may have lost."


The process of collecting your values is now complete!

The international jury is examining your entries in order to select the ten most amazing values for the future and give the opportunity to these ten people to live an exclusive training experience at our headquarters in Milan. The chosen values will also be published in our next annual report and illustrated by Liza Donnelly, the famous cartoonist of "The New Yorker". Keep following us to soon find out the ten chosen values and the ten people who will live these amazing experiences.


'If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for the future', Woody Allen

Let’s try together to think about the future with optimism, a touch of irony and a smile.

What are your plans for the future? What do you think the fundamental values which cannot be given up are? And what about the accidental and unexpected? How do you react?

Tell us now! February, 8th is the deadline for submitting your values and soon you’ll find out if you’ve been chosen to have an exciting adventure with Pirelli!