
Transat Québec Saint-Malo

The Transat Québec Saint-Malo is a symbol of courage, determination and passion for sailing. It is an experience that changes sailors, a journey that challenges the limits of competition and performance, mixing the exhilaration of speed with the tension of ocean racing. Experienced sailors gather in Canada to embark on a crossing that is as much a test of skill as it is of mental and physical endurance.

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Sailing stories

All the uniqueness of the Transat Québec Saint-Malo

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The Transat CIC

A travel that allows you to connect with nature, an itinerary that follows the oceanic routes of coffee, a challenge for the best sailors in the world; the Transat Jacques Vabre is more than a simple regatta. This is an epic competition full of pathos across the Atlantic Ocean, a 4.250 nautical miles journey from Le Havre to Fort-de-France (Martinique) - not only the longest Transat, but also one of the most challenging regattas in the world.

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Sailing stories

In the stormy waters of The Transat CIC

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Transat Jacques Vabre

A travel that allows you to connect with nature, an itinerary that follows the oceanic routes of coffee, a challenge for the best sailors in the world; the Transat Jacques Vabre is more than a simple regatta. This is an epic competition full of pathos across the Atlantic Ocean, a 4.250 nautical miles journey from Le Havre to Fort-de-France (Martinique) - not only the longest Transat, but also one of the most challenging regattas in the world.

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Sailing stories

In the stormy waters of The Transat CIC

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Rolex Fastnet Race

The Fastnet Race has existed since 1925 and takes place only in odd-numbered years. Its course starts from Cowes in the Isle of Wight and reaches Cherbourg-en-Cotentin in Normandy (new finishing point from 2021), crossing the English Channel until it rounds the rock known as the Fastnet rock, which presents many pitfalls including strong tides, steep waves and frequent storms.

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Sailing stories

The Transat Jacques Vabre oceanic regatta

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Normandy Channel Race

The Normandy Channel Race is a fast-paced competition leading from Normandy to Ireland, via the south-west coast of England to the Celtic Sea, where sailors have to face almost always tides and bad weather.

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Sailing stories

Good vibes for Ambrogio Beccaria at the Rolex Fastnet Race

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Défi Atlantique

This is a journey aboard a Class40 across the Atlantic Ocean, from Guadeloupe to the West coast of France, via the Azores Islands, amid breathtaking views and unpredictable seas, totalling three thousand and five hundred nautical miles. It is called the Défi Atlantique, a route that allows the fifty-five solo sailors who took part in the Route du Rhum to return to Europe from the Americas to the Old continent.

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Sailing stories

Normandy Channel Race

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RORC Caribbean 600

This regatta has become a point of reference for sailors and enthusiasts. Merit of the particular route, a zigzag - which in shape resembles an 8 - between magnificent places and incredible landscapes, between Saint Barth and Saba, Saint Kitts & Nevis, then Saint Maarten and south around Guadeloupe, for a total of eleven islands.

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Sailing stories

Défi Atlantique, harnessing the waves of the Atlantic aboard a Class40

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Route du Rhum

Regarded as “the queen of solo transatlantic races”, this A fascinating journey covers the : 3,542 miles from Saint-Malo in France to Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe in one non-stop jump. The Route du Rhum is, one of the toughest and most important races in the world.

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Sailing stories

The unmissable charm of the RORC Caribbean 600

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