As part of its recent annual Tyre Safety Month campaign, UK charity TyreSafe took to reminding drivers about simple checks that can be done to reduce the risk of an incident on the roads. Pirelli is among the many faces of the industry to back this push about tyre safety.

Done In 60 Seconds – Are Your Tyres Ready For ACTion?
The 2020 TyreSafe campaign outlined that tyre checks need only take a minute and should focus on the ACT acronym: Air pressure, Condition and Tread.
As TyreSafe state, the first ‘ACT' of tyre safety is to ensure, that your car has the correct air pressure. If the tyres are under or over inflated then handling and grip will worsen.
It is also vital to inspect the condition of your tyres for any lumps or bulges caused by the car standing still for a long time, which may indicate internal damage and increase the risk of tyre failure. Drivers must also check for any cuts or abrasions in the tyre, while ensuring that valve caps remain high.
Another area of tyre management, which is particularly important to monitor in winter, is tread wear. The legal limit of tread depth is 1.6 millimetres, which is often measured using the 20p test. However, to receive the most accurate measure of tyre tread, Pirelli advises that a tyre dealer, who can also check that tyre pressures are at an optimum level, carries this out.
Paying close attention to any vibrations while driving is also good practice, as is checking you have the appropriate tyres for the correct season.

Keeping your tyres in check
Fitting winter tyres for the months ahead is a great way of ensuring you have the appropriate tyres for when you hit the road again, especially for more extreme environments and road conditions.
What seems obvious to some road users may not be for others, so it is important that drivers understand and follow expert advice when it comes to fitting and maintaining the right products on your car.

Pirelli Performance Centres
In the UK, the Pirelli Performance Centre network offers cutting-edge expertise in recommending, fitting and balancing high-performance tyres with first-class customer care and attention.
Going one-step further, Pirelli extends its knowledge and understanding to its customers, offering tailored events and training sessions. As 2020 has presented us all with new challenges, Pirelli has once again proven it can adapt and has turned to the online world to keep the informative sessions running for customers and Car Club members alike.
The virtual events cover all aspects of tyre maintenance and offer tips and guidelines for drivers to take better care of their Pirelli products, as well as reinforcing Pirelli's Perfect Fit philosophy to ensure your car is equipped with the right tyres.