In his own unique take on the Pirelli Calendar, photographer Albert Watson has created a series of roles for the sitters. The French actress and model Laetitia Casta plays the part of a painter.

The French actress and model Laetitia Casta is used to taking on characters, so she was in step with photographer Albert Watson's idea of creating a narrative for each of the subjects of this year's Pirelli Calendar.
Casta has acted in multiple films and plays the part of painter living for her art and waiting and hoping for the world to recognise her talent. She dreams of a future with her younger lover, an aspiring dancer played by the real-life ballet star, Sergei Polunin from Ukraine.
They live a Bohemian life together in a loft surrounded by her art, second-hand furniture and objects sourced from travels around the world.
Watson's images and short films capture their relationship as it unfolds.
The 2019 Pirelli Calendar is released on December 5 featuring actress and model Laetitia Casta as “the painter”, Misty Copeland as “the dancer”, model Gigi Hadid as “the wealthy socialite” and actress Julia Garner as “the photographer”.