The age of the explorers may have gone by, but the urge to discover everything the world has to offer is just as strong today as it once was. Now, however, incredible sights and beautiful places can be reached without the hardship of fronteer travel. We took part in a journey which embodied decidedly the opposite of a rough-and-tumble attitude to wanderlust, but one which was certainly no less adventurous. The greatest sights are often far off the beaten path, and the awe-inspiring landscapes found in South America are no different.

Enter the Bentayga. Designed and built for refined comfort and far-reaching exploration, there was no better choice for a unique trip with comfort, luxury and performance in mind! Of course, the trip, and the Bentayga, benefitted from tailor-made Scorpion Verde All Season Pirelli tyres which compliment both the performance and the luxury offered by the Bentley SUV. Made to measure, our Scorpion Verde All Season tyres reduce fuel consumption, lower CO2 emissions and provide a stable, comfortable experience through a wide contact patch and noise-reduction technology.

So what inspired the journey? The name pretty much tells all. ‘An Extraordinary World' - Bentley's hand-picked programme of exclusive events, taking place all over the world, began as a six-day trip across desert sands, salt flats and rocky terrain found in Chile and Bolivia. Taking on the elements is the price explorers of old paid to find exotic locations, now the Bentayga and our tailor-made tyres take on these elements so you can enjoy both the journey and the destination! And with control and comfort being paramount, the Bentayga is fitted exclusively with Scorpion Verde All Season to take on the conditions any luxury traveller is likely to face on a once-in-a-lifetime expedition.

Winding a path through the world's driest desert, the Chilean Atacama, to the stunning Licancabur volcano and the Bolivian geysers of Sol de Mañana, the trip entirely lived up to the promise made by its name alone. The Bentley flavour remained at the forefront throughout and the luxury didn't end when the Bentayga was parked up for the night during the Extraordinary World trip.
Reflecting the dual aspects of Bentley's new SUV, the challenging terrain through which the adventurers passed during the day was contrasted not only by the luxury of the Bentayga but also by the unbelievable hotels, cuisine and cultural activities the guests enjoyed when not taking on and taking in everything the incredible landscapes of Chile and Bolivia had to offer.