Motorists have a great deal of matters to keep in check to ensure an optimal driving experience on all types of roads: routine checks, oil top-ups, refuelling, parking, tax deadlines and much more.
In this day and age of smartphones, many apps of variable actual usefulness are available in all areas, and that of cars is definitely one of the most popular. So, what are the five key apps for the tech-savvy motorist?
Waze: the first social navigator
There is one thing you really need as a motorist and there are many apps, some even pre-installed on your smartphone. It's the navigator. The loyal travel companion for unknown or unfamiliar routes. Waze is the first social navigator and integrates contents and information posted by users in real time. Queues, traffic, accidents: everything happening on the road is shared among app users to improve the quality of everyone's journey.
This app for motorists considerably improves the driving experience. Just one piece of advice: pull up before using it. Although it is designed for motorists, it does not justify using your phone while driving.

Driver Connect: the digital "owner handbook"
Driver Center, the Pirelli specialised tyre workshop chain, has recently launched Driver Connect, the real virtual "owner handbook" of your car.
Download it to select a Driver Center and connect directly to your specialist. Booking appointments, asking for quotes and taking advantage of the active promotions has never been this easy.
In addition to car and tyre care, this app reminds you of the road tax and insurance deadlines. A fundamental function for all car owners.
This app for 2.0 motorists is one of the most complete on the market: exploiting GPS it shows the car parks and workshops closest to you and how to get there.

OsservaPrezzi: the app for saving on fuel
There is a special app to help you save on the price of fuel: Osservaprezzi, the app of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, is a tool for consumers to see the price lists of the various distribution chains so you can pick the most cost-effective one. Using a map you can locate the petrol station closest to your current position and evaluate the fuel prices.
This app was designed for Italian users and is the first to be MiSE certified. It was created by Sistema Camerale and InfoCamere and integrates Register of Companies data.

Parkopedia: 35 million car parks in 50 countries
Parking is one of the biggest concerns for all motorists anywhere in the world, particularly in major cities and unfamiliar places. Parkopedia is an app-database listing 35 million parking spots (indoor, outdoor, free and at a charge) in 50 different countries. This app shows the free parking spots in real time meaning you can save time in your search.

iPatente: information on your driving licence
iPatente, created and released directly by the Italian Ministry of Transport, is the only official app that allows motorists to check the points on their driving licence. In addition to this crucial information, fundamental to monitor the state of your driving licence, with iPatente you can check the roadworthiness test deadlines for your car, its environmental classification and driving restrictions in force for new driving licence holders.

In this increasingly more connected world, where according to the 2016 Ericsonn Mobility Report the SIM cards associated to smartphones will reach 6.3 billion by 2021 and overtake those used in traditional mobile devices, apps for motorists are important tools it is worth taking advantage of to make your experience on the road even more pleasant.