There is time, which as Seneca taught is the "most precious thing of all", and there is women's time, which is even rarer and priceless as a result. Modern women live a full and frenetic life, packed with satisfactions, and according to a recent survey enjoy five free hours a week less than men, which is like saying that they live in a parallel time dimension in which days are 26 or 27 hours long instead of just 24. "Twenty-six or twenty-seven hours don't sound enough for me", commented actress Stefania Rocca with a jesting smile. "I think my days are even longer! There are always so many things left to do".

Film and TV star, Globo d'oro winner and David di Donatello nominee, as well as loving mother of two and hostess of excellence, Stefania is the quintessential successful woman who needs to juggle her many commitments. Surprising is the deftness with which she achieves it all. Despite spending 13 or 14 hours on set for a film or TV serial, she still manages to be present as a mother and even set aside a little personal time for herself: "My days are packed. I get up early and first of all I organise the children's day. For me this is an absolute priority and a certainty, because I want my children to feel my presence even when I am physically away", she told Pirelli World.
Stefania's new film “Calcolo infinitesimale” will be released next June 16 in theatres across the country. Directed by Enzo Papetti and Roberto Minini-Meròt, Stefania Rocca and Luca Lionello are the two wild protagonists of a story of strategy, deception and seduction that plays on the theme of multiple personalities and uncertain identity.
The actress welcomed us into her bright flat in Milan on a lovely mid-May morning while she was waiting for the driver from the specialised Pirelli tyre fitting service network to arrive to change the winter tyres to the summer set. She discovered “Driver on the go”, the premium tyre fitting service created to save time and energy for people always on the move, by word of mouth.
Instead of dropping your car off at a tyre fitter at the change of season and picking it up later, an operation which could take at least half a day if not longer, with “Driver on the go” you can make a phone call and Pirelli will do the rest. With the “Car Valet” service, an expert driver will pick the car up at your home, take it to a workshop and return it to the pick-up point. All you need to do is hand the keys over to the driver. Alternatively, if you have a garage or suitable open space, the tyre set can be changed directly at home.
Stefania Rocca has chosen the “Car Valet” service: "Friends recommended it to me and their suggestion was very useful: saving two hours can change your day. It is a fantastic idea and I recommend it to everyone who values their time, and particularly to women who are always rushing. It means that I can set aside a few hours in the day for something else with the confidence of being in the right hands", she commented.
The paradox of modern life, particularly for career mums, is precisely needing to delegate and finding the right people can be tricky. "Nowadays, mums like myself are very protective and prepared to make twice the effort to ensure our children do all the great activities they deserve. And then of course there is their job. I love my job just as a love being there for my children, but I need to delegate many things, whether I want to or not, otherwise I simply could not keep up the pace. Being able to rely on a help for my many daily chores is crucial. And the same applies now to swapping the tyre set", she commented.
"Delegating may be necessary but this does not mean that it is easy", she added. "Firstly, I need to find the right people to trust, people who have the right work ethics. I always pick services that offer quality and safety, particularly when it comes to the car which is what I use to drive my kids about at the weekend".
We said goodbye when the driver knocked on the door and Stefania Rocca handed him the keys. We left her to her whirlwind of tasks as a mother, woman and actress. "Strange as it may sound, I love my frenetic lifestyle", she quipped.