Attention to people and the environment, sustainable profit, responsible future. These are the keywords of the seventh national edition of the Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale, the most important event in Italy dedicated to sustainability, that once again this year “will be offering companies opportunities for in-depth analysis and updates on strategies and tools in the environmental, social and economic areas”.
“The title of this edition is Fields of sustainability. The objective is to explore the various aspects of sustainability, which is a way of thinking and acting before one of being”, explained Rossella Sobrero, organiser of the event.

Pirelli is one of the companies that will be driving the two days of the Salone by offering its vision of sustainability through case histories. On October 1, Pirelli Group Sustainability Officer Eleonora Giada Pessina will be joining representatives of Snam, Saipem, Bvlgari, Rb Hygiene, Ferrovie dello Stato, Enel and Stafer at the “From Sustainability Strategy to Integrated Strategic Plan” seminar to discuss how sustainability is addressed and integrated into the industrial plan in terms of governance and planning. On October 2, Pirelli Sustainability Specialist Francesca Martucci, young Italian winner of the SDG Pioneer Award for achieving UN Sustainable Development Objectives, will be talking about the activities of Pirelli on supply chain sustainability level and how young people can grow and are supported within the company.
“Major corporations very often set an example for smaller companies and the participation of Pirelli is important because its focus on sustainable development over recent years has been truly remarkable”, explained the organiser.

On the way towards ever greater economic, environmental and social sustainability, reasserted by the recently confirmation of the company as the world leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the Auto Components segment, Pirelli is doing an important job with its stakeholders by constantly consulting the people who come into contact with the company on production level.
An example of this is the work done on the natural rubber supply chain, which began more than two years ago and has led, through the dialogue with suppliers, customers, NGOs and farmers, to the creation of a Natural Rubber Policy followed by an Implementation Manual.
The adoption of the policy and related projects, together with the launch of the natural rubber platform called Being Fast Takes Time, has contributed to raising awareness on the use, protection and provenance of this valuable raw material among the general public.