In detail, the gentlemen drivers at the wheel of Fiat, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lancia and Maserati from all eras tackled a 26 km-long non-competitive route - with an acceleration test in the middle - after setting off under the Italian flag, ending up in Morfasso, where a special lunch serving local specialities awaited them. The objective was to create a leitmotif between the past, present and future of transport and Pirelli just couldn't miss this opportunity, choosing to take part in the event as main sponsor.

But that's not all, since it proved to believe in a project where the goodness of several Italian products was demonstrated, supporting the event in which the organiser, Enzo Scalzo, strongly believed: "This event is to remind everyone - especially us Italians - of the beauty and greatness of our Country. I was only looking for Top Italian brands as sponsor, I wanted the very best. When I explained my proposal, I convinced them from the onset that this would be the start of a great project, a major show of good faith on their part since this is just the basis of my idea, and next year aims at gathering together a generous 100 cars".

Inside the Paddock Area the Pirelli booth in fact made it possible to be the star of the day thanks to a Formula One simulator, to the possibility of taking some snaps that were immediately posted on the social pages of the event and even to take part in some quizzes. The brand's most colourful and famous compounds were exhibited, in other words those of Formula One, in addition to the presence of the single-seater for the 2017 Championship, with a low ride and wider tyres, features which did not go unnoticed by the many aficionados who took a myriad pictures.
Even some living legends expressed their opinion on the event. The Rally Champion Sandro Munari: "This event represents the continuity of a Sport that has given so much and seeing several cars in good condition here just goes to show how much people care about it. It is also thanks to Pirelli that we can enjoy events such as these, where the present has recognised the teachings of the past and allows everyone to benefit from them".
Valentino Balboni, an historic Lamborghini tester: "It's my first time here and I find this event extremely positive. As usual, you can notice the enthusiasm and attention of the public towards beautiful Italian cars, and it is a genuine pleasure to continue to do something for this beautiful world. These events should keep going and I hope other companies will go down the path that Pirelli has undertaken, since it is doing such a great job to support a passion shared by so many".

Romeo Ferraris, an historic Milanese trainer: "People who come up with these initiatives are admirable, because they take on a lot of responsibility. It is not just a place where people only talk about cars, but it is the company you meet there that is the aggregating element, allowing you to spend a weekend amid engines, good food and people, some of whom have written the history of two- and four-wheel vehicles. This initiative should be encouraged and it is one in which Pirelli truly believes, not just as sponsor but also in concrete terms with its products, which are fitted on many of the supercars present, as well as on my Cinquone bikes. So a big thank you for having understood the need for this event and for having created unique moments".
The new DriverOnTheGo powered by Pirelli, service was also presented, allowing customers to book a customised “pit-stop” on site. By accessing on-line or calling the freephone number on the website, drivers can make an appointment, then the appointed technician will reach the agreed location and perform the work. It is the ideal solution for those who have little time because it allows you - from the safety of your office - temporarily to deliver the car keys to the technician in charge of changing your tires. At the current time, this service is available in Milan.