To train a new generation of researchers through the creation of a robust and continuing link between industry and universities, building on the substantial know-how of Italian companies and the quality of the country's universities. That's the ambitious challenge that the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation has been tackling on a daily basis since 2001, promoting scientific culture in the fields of economy, science, technology, management and other areas applied to industrial development.

Since the outset, it has used tools such as scholarships, research grants, bursaries to return to Italy and fellowships to provide tangible support to talented young people, offering high quality training and the opportunity to grow through collaboration with leading universities as well as Italian and foreign companies. In total it has funded over 230 studies, which over the years have resulted in research focused on the automotive sector, paying special attention to infomobility, advanced materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and new energy sources. These themes are all of particular interest for the industrial processes of Pirelli, which supports the Foundation in initiating and developing individual pieces of research. The projects funded by the Foundation in collaboration with leading Italian universities (the Politecnico of Milan and Turin, the Normale di Pisa and Bocconi University) always involve a tutor within Pirelli as an interlocutor. With the benefit of experience gained in the field, he or she is able to supervise and direct the work of the researchers. This relationship has produced research which - in some cases - has provided important inputs to the industrial world. And especially to Pirelli which, thanks to its strong tradition of research and innovation, has taken ideas from university classrooms and developed them in its own laboratories.
The devices' technology Energy Scavening is used to reduce energy consumption of Cyber Tyre, - the jewel in Pirelli's technological crown, which uses a chip to track all of a tyre's parameters in real time. Indeed, in its creation, it was the fruit of research initiated and funded by the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation. And the software that makes it possible to use the Cyber Tyre also emerged from the collaboration between the Foundation and the Politecnico. It is ideas like these from young talents that Pirelli has been able to develop over the years, thanks to its strong technological expertise.
The Foundation's work in promoting research is complemented by scientific education and awareness raising through initiatives and seminars for schools. Featuring partners and speakers of international renown, their aim is to convey the importance of science to as many people as possible: from children to researchers, from enthusiasts to institutions. A task that has taken the form of various initiatives over the years, such as the Science Theatre project, undertaken in collaboration with the Piccolo Teatro in Milan and designed to teach science to primary and secondary school pupils. This project, which lasted 9 years, was then further developed with the creation of the Science Theatre Academy, intended to "train" not only the pupils but also their teachers.
For 12 years, the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation has also supported the international Future of Science event, organised in collaboration with the Veronesi Foundation and the Giorgio Cini Foundation, which attracts the world's best scientists to Venice each year to discuss the future of medicine. Three days of speeches, panel discussions and debates attended by hundreds of students, researchers and industry insiders.
Another innovative look at the future of our planet is provided by the Observatory for Renewable Energy, organised with the Politecnico di Milano. Every year, the research presents a simple and reliable snapshot of the world of renewable energy and a view of market trends for the coming years. It's a sector which has seen considerable development in recent years, thanks to the growing demand for clean energy for a more sustainable world.