"A beautiful place" is the theme of Pirelli 2021 Annual Report. And The factory is a Beautiful Place, because it can create and inspire beauty. The connection between these two realities is strong, actually “even intrinsic”, as the philosopher and theologian, Vito Mancuso observes in his opening essay of Pirelli Annual Report 2021. He says “factory and beauty, which is economics and aesthetic, are united by an essential element for both of them: resource.” The resource's transformation creates products and work of art, productiveness and magnificence, thanks to humans handcraft, since factory and art, first of all, are “manufacturing”.
Discover the project: “A Beautiful Place. The Art of Manufacturing"
To underline this connection we asked artists to visit some of our production plants in China, United States, Romania, Brazil and Italy and to be inspired by architecture, technology, people, sounds to create their works, made of resource and ingenuity.
Pirelli Romania is A Beautiful Place where the slick of Formula 1 start them life, where Andrei Cavassi a musician with an incredible cultural heritage, his bloodline including Greek, Italian, Hungarian and Romanian descent, create a special song, mixing the industrial sound of Motorsport area with the cello vibrancy.
A unique experience for the musician who, thanks to Pirelli, has managed to make one of his dreams come true, that of creating his music in an environment that went beyond his air of comfort.
Andrei Cavassi said: “It was a very unusual experience for me because it's the first time I go inside a factory and I can hear very different and new sounds for me and I got the inspiration to adapt to my music and try to express through music technology.
I'm a cellist, the hands are the most important thing in my body, so all of my feelings and my emotions are expressed through my hands, so the visit to the factory gave me the chance to touch and to sense different kind of atmosphere and materials that hopefully I can express through my music.
I believe that creativity and the desire to innovate are universal values that drive all people who aim Excellency. It inspires me to get out or my comfort zone and taking part of a project that combines music and technology made me push my creativity into a new direction.

I was excited to take part in “A beautiful place” project. Art is one of the reasons that make us grow as individuals and as a society.
My dream is to make the world around us and the world inside us a better place and I am glad I could follow my dream with Pirelli”.
Through the years, Andrei Cavassi performance mesmerized audiences on three continents, from the Berliner Philarmonie, till Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires or Blue Note in Tokyo.
Now, Pirelli is part of this experience.
Andrei's incredible gift is to transpose the audience into a higher dimension, taking the public into a breathless and amazing musical journey from the very first touch of the strings.
Pirelli world and his music are considered to be as versatile as the voice of his cello and the sound of Motorsport race, revealing a magic realm where sound meets vibrance, creating an absolute bliss.