Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel è il canale di comunicazione verso i nostri stakeholder interessati ad uno Sviluppo Sostenibile del business.

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Pirelli & C. S.p.A., con riferimento all’operazione di aumento di capitale di RCS Mediagroup S.p.A. (“RCS”) attualmente in corso e facendo seguito a quanto reso noto al mercato in data 21 giugno 2013, comunica di aver esercitato complessivi n. 5.757.493 diritti di opzione spettanti alle azioni vincolate al Patto di Sindacato di Blocco e Consultazione RCS (il “Patto”) e ceduto sul mercato n. 105.696 diritti di opzione spettanti alle restanti azioni RCS detenute non vincolate al Patto.

In ipotesi di totale sottoscrizione dell’aumento di capitale RCS la percentuale di possesso di azioni ordinarie RCS detenuta da Pirelli & C. S.p.A., calcolata sul capitale sociale ordinario RCS fully diluted post aumento, corrisponderebbe al 5,3% circa.

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Chairman recognized for Social Responsibility

The Foreign Policy Association (FPA) has awarded Pirelli Chairman and CEO Marco Tronchetti Provera the 2013 Social Responsibility Award for his ongoing endeavors in sustainability. Under Mr. Tronchetti’s leadership, Pirelli, one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world, has become a frontrunner in corporate social responsibility.

In addition to a perfect score in the FTSE Global and European sustainability indexes, Pirelli has maintained a global sustainability leadership position for the sixth year in a row on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe indexes. Pirelli’s 2012 score in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index was 89, compared with a sector average of 69. Pirelli’s “Green Performance” strategy focuses heavily on environmentally–friendly, safe, and innovative processes and products. And Pirelli serves the community by promoting road safety and human developmentthrough sports and technical training, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

“It is with great pride that I receive this award on behalf of Pirelli C. S.p.A.,” commented Marco Tronchetti Provera. “As a company with a rich, and longstanding history, it now becomes our mission to create a sustainable future for generations to come. This vision could not be executed without the support of our staff around the world.”

Founded in 1918, the FPA celebrates its 95th anniversary this year. Its unwavering mission to serve as a catalyst for developing awareness, understanding of and informed opinion on U.S. foreign policy and global issues remains unchanged. Through its balanced, nonpartisan publications and programs, FPA encourages citizens to participate in the foreign policy process. To learn more about the Foreign Policy Association, please visit

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Pirelli mobile training vehicle is on the road

Pirelli’s new mobile training vehicle started in Mersin its journey across more than two hundred points of sales in twenty-one cities in Turkey. Its mission is training, with a focus on tyre safety and fuel consumption issues,  but also seasonal tyre usage, tyre pressure and tread depth.

In addition to the dealers, Pirelli vehicle will deliver training sessions to some multibrand points of sales, focusing on the features of Pirelli’s products and after sales services such as ‘Yola Devam’ and tyre life.

Pirelli Turkey Commercial Director Askin Beduk remarks that: “Tyre awareness in Turkey is increasing day by day but it hasn’t reached so far the level that is needed. Tyre pressure, tread depth and right tyre choice are vitally important for safety and have an important impact on the environment and fuel economy. Nowadays it became really important that points of sales offer good quality service to the customers and deliver the right information on tyres. To increase awareness both points of sales and tyre suppliers have important responsibility. By being aware of this responsibility, as Pirelli we continue to work in order to offer best service and information to our customers.”