Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Employer Branding: Pirelli wins on the web

Pirelli is the number one in Italy for online communication of employer branding, in other words the ability of a company to attract as an employment provider. With 67.5 points out of 100, Pirelli has won the first ever Lundquist Employer Branding Online Awards Italy 100, a survey conducted by the authoritative consultancy company Lundquist on the communication of employer branding by the 100 largest Italian companies and multinationals that operate in Italy. How do companies use their internet sites to clearly communicate what makes an organisation a desirable place in which a person can mature his/her professional experience; that is the object of the publication.

 Pirelli achieved maximum points in four of the 12 sections that comprise the ranking, demonstrating particular strength in aspects associated with recruitment by scoring 34 points out of 42; the company was followed by ENI and UniCredit, both with 62 points overall. The analyses took into consideration the principal components of employer branding communications online; Proposition (how the company presents itself and what it offers employees), Recruitment (information for the candidature) and User experience (presentation of the contents).

Categories: Sustainability

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China: P7 awarded

According to the motoring magazine Auto News, the Pirelli Cinturato P7 tyre is ‘The Best Balanced Tyre of the Year’. In particular, the Cinturato P7 distinguished itself for its road holding, stability, optimised tread pattern for low noise generation and the low emission of carbon during its production process.

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A beautiful day in Brussels

Father Christmas arrives early in some areas of Europe under the name of Saint Nicolas. In Belgium on Wednesday 24 November, the employees of Pirelli Tyre Benelux and their families visited the Le Refuge les Salanganes Orphanage and took Christmas presents for the 30 children there, aged between five and 15.

The initiative involved the employees and their families starting with their youngsters, who chose and wrapped the gifts to take to the orphanage. After the presents had been given out, the whole group all enjoyed the seasonal celebrations, with fun and games for the children.

Grateful for this gesture of solidarity, the director of the orphanage thanked the Pirelli employees and their families, who promised to repeat the initiative in coming years. A small gesture of solidarity that testifies to the commitment of Pirelli to local communities.

Categories: Sustainability