Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli & C. S.p.A. has called its shareholders’ meeting, both ordinary and extraordinary, to take place in Milan, at Viale Sarca 214, at 10.30 am on Monday May 13th, 2013. It is the sole call.

As well as deliberating on the approval of the 2012 results, shareholders will also be called upon to decide on the confirmation of Mr. Carlo Salvatori who, coopted in July 2012, concludes his role as director at the next shareholders’ meeting. Shareholders will also be asked to decide with regard to the substitution of Mr. Mario Greco, who resigned in March 2013, and of Professor Paolo Ferro-Luzzi, who passed away in November 2011.  Shareholders will also be asked to consider some proposed changes to company bylaws, relative to the adoption of the discipline regarding the balance between genders within the administrative and controlling bodies of listed companies and some new legal and regulatory dispositions. Shareholders will also decide in regard to the Board’s requested authorization for the buy-back and disposition of up to 10% of company capital for an 18 month period. In conclusion, shareholders will be called upon to express themselves, via consultative vote, on Remuneration Policy.

The Directors’ reports and the proposed deliberations relevant to all the points in the shareholders order of the day, as well as the Annual Financial Report, together with the relative reports from the Internal Auditors and external auditors, the annual Report on company governance and ownership structure and the Sustainability Report are available to the public at the Company’s headquarters in Milan at Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25 and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. as well as being published online on the Company website at in the section dedicated to the Shareholders’ Meeting.


Pirelli & C. announces that today it deposited at the Company’s headquarters in Milan at Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25 and published online at, as well as depositing at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the information document regarding Pirelli’s participation – as announced to the market on March 27th, 2013 – in the operation aimed at the equity reinforcement, financial re-balancing and re-launch of the activities of Prelios S.p.A. though its recapitalization and the reconfiguration of its total financial debt.

The information document was prepared in accordance with the Consob deliberation no. 17221 of March 12th, 2010 as subsequently modified and the procedures for operations with related parties adopted by the Company.

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Water use in Pirelli

March 22, World Water Day. Pirelli carried out a research about water use in its factories in Brazil. Comparing 2006 with 2012 figures, there was a saving of 11.6% in water consumption index in m³ / Ton Finished Product.

In 2012, in Campinas we achieved 16% and the FIESP Conservation and Water Reuse award – in the category medium/large company, which competed with big companies. This was the first time that Pirelli participated in this type of awards. We were recognized for our work.

One of the main Pirelli Brazil’s actions continues to be focused on reuse of treated effluent around 100%.

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Versalis signs agreement with Pirelli for joint research project on guayule-based natural rubber

Versalis (Eni) and Pirelli have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to kick off a joint research project for the use of guayule-based natural rubber in tire production.

The research project will run over a period of three years. On an exclusivity basis, Versalis will provide an innovative range of guayule-based natural rubber materials, while Pirelli will carry out trial tests to validate the performance of the materials for tire production.

As soon as new industrial quantities become available, Versalis will supply Pirelli with guayule-based natural rubber to complement the current set of synthetic rubber that Versalis is already supplying to Pirelli for the production of conventional tires.

The agreement with Pirelli follows the announcement of a milestone partnership between Versalis and Yulex Corporation USA for guayule production and for the construction of an industrial complex to be based in Southern Europe.

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum) is a renewable, non-food crop that requires little water usage, no pesticides and is an alternative source of natural rubber thanks to its latex allergy-friendly properties, unlike Hevea rubber.

The agreement is consistent with Versalis’ strategy of pursuing partnerships with key leaders in the field of bio-based chemical products. The agreement is also part of an overall plan to drive a solid integration process between a range of innovative technologies and the current portfolio of conventional products with a particular focus on the elastomers business, all of which is critical to improving Versalis’ competitive edge at the international level.

The agreement with Versalis integrates and extends Pirelli’s commitment in the search for new materials from renewable sources and especially from biomasses. Pirelli, which already produces tyres with raw materials derived from rice husk (the inedible part of the grain usually used as fuel), aims to gradually reduce the heavy reliance on fossil resources, replacing them with alternative raw materials which induce better performance and match up with higher standards of environmental sustainability in terms of processes and products.

This new partnership between Versalis and Pirelli builds on a series of initiatives to develop technologies for tire applications with a focus on performance and energy efficiency. Both companies are well-established industry leaders at an international level; they represent a sound model for undivided commitment to all levels of research, including the green sector,” said Daniele Ferrari, Chief Executive Officer of Versalis.

Pirelli has always been dedicated to the development of innovative solutions that prioritize sustainability, and this means safety and respect for the environment. In this regard, it is essential to prioritise research on renewable raw materials, an area where we hold industry leadership at an international level. The research project into guayule-based natural rubber is one of our key activities that fully engages our team of researchers; it also underlines the strategic importance of long-standing partnerships like the one we have announced today with Versalis,” said Maurizio Boiocchi, Chief Technical Officer of Pirelli.

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