Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli on the STOXX® Global ESG Leaders Indices

Pirelli is listed on the STOXX® Global ESG Leaders Indices 2013-14, for the second consecutive year after the 2013 assessment.

The indices were created in 2011 by STOXX Limited which, on the basis of sustainability performance, selects 313 companies from among the 1,800 stocks included in an initial basket of international equities, the STOXX Global 1800 Index.

These indices base their selection criteria on the indicators suggested by EFFAS (European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies) and DVFA (Society of Investment Professionals in Germany), and the scores of the examined companies are based on the ESG ratings given by the agency Sustainalytics.

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Pirelli Corporate App is the “best project” at Digital Communication Awards competition 2013

The Pirelli Corporate App was singled out as the best solution in the annual report category during the 2013 Digital Communication Awards presentation ceremony, prestigious European recognition of campaigns and projects in the field of digital communication.

For years the Pirelli annual report has had strong editorial connotations, especially the 2012 edition that was based on the initiative IMAGING THE FUTURE WITH…and had the advantage of collaboration with New Yorker cartoonist Lisa Donnelly.

IMAGING THE FUTURE WITH…through the social media invited students across the world to suggest the most significant values for the future, selected by a jury of prominent personalities of a national and international level.

The digital annual report, integrated into the Pirelli corporate digital ecosystem, comprises a special siteand four applications available for IOS, tablets and Android smartphones, proposing a series of functions that enable interactive navigation through the contents, ensuring absolute transparency. It also permits visitors to participate in the presentations of periodic financial results in live webcasts and on demand, to read the company’s latest press releases and news, to follow the Pirelli shares in the Stock Exchange and to synchronise a visitor’s diary with planned Pirelli events.

So the Pirelli Corporate App won the award because it is a resource capable of combining and synthesising data, graphics, text and documents to become a real corporate tool.
Download the App:

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Global Compact 100 – Pirelli’s there

Pirelli is the only tyre manufacturer in the index. The commitment to sustainability recognised again

After prestigious recognition by Dow Jones Sustainability World and Dow Jones Sustainability, Pirelli has been further singled out, having been inserted into the new Global Compact 100 sustainability index that was launched by UN Global Compact in collaboration with Sustainalytics.
The index is composed of 100 companies selected on the basis of their coherence with the 10 principles that drive UN Global Compact; the commitment of management to matters associated with sustainability and level of profitability. Pirelli is the only tyre manufacturer among the 100 companies of the index at a world level.

Those companies, the stock exchange progress of which has been monitored by UN Global Compact over the last three years, have outperformed the FTSE® All World stock index over the last two years, registering a yield of 26.4% in the last 12 months. Election to the Global Compact 100 is one of the most important accolades in the sustainability sector for companies that have committed themselves to aligning their activities and strategies with the 10 universal principles in the areas of human rights, work and environment from the responsible globalization point of view.