Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli engagement in support of Romanian medical system continues

Until today, starting with 2008, 200 doctors and support personnel participated to professional and updating trainings for the Romanian Hospital, with activities developed both in Italy and Romania. The professional training initiatives will continue in 2014 – 2016 with new courses on Oncology, Pediatric and also First Aid.

With the budget that Pirelli will dedicate in the next 3 years to this project, Pirelli’s overall commitment is raising up to approximately 1.4 million euros at the end of 2016.

This agreement is part of the social initiatives that Pirelli leads in support of the local communities where the company is present with its production sites. In Slatina, moreover, Pirelli became active in 2005 and it’s now a developed industrial center dedicated to the production of steel cord and high-performance tires, activities which employs around 3,000 people.

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Premium Integrity: Pirelli program against corruption

It is called Premium Integrity and it is our anti-corruption programme, which the Pirelli board of directors approved on 5 August to prevent or reduce the risk of corruption.

An ethically responsible conduct, permeated by the values of loyalty, correctness and transparency constitute one of the principal factors of Pirelli’s success”: Premium Integrity defines the values, principles and responsibilities to which Pirelli, all of its employees and those who have business or collaboration relationships of any other nature with the company, adhere in the battle against corruption.

It is a systematic assembly of good conduct regulations, in which those that have already been in use for some time will be integrated with ‘new’ specific anti-corruption instructions. These are the results of specific evaluation of the exposure to the risk of corruption in the various countries in which we operate and are repeated periodically to ensure a constant monitoring of the risk.


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As part of its efforts to promote, sponsor, and support various cultural projects in Italy and around the world, Pirelli has established the “Pirelli Visiting Professorship in Italian Studies” for a five-year term in the Department of French and Italian at Princeton University. Its aim is to support the dissemination of the study of Italian history and culture through New Media and Technology within Italian Studies.

Princeton University will invite a prominent Italian scholar or professional each academic year to the Princeton campus to teach one course and engage in additional activities that would enrich Princeton’s distinctive educational experience and expand the breadth and scope of its interdisciplinary programs. In 2014, the visiting position will be entrusted by Princeton to Gianni Riotta.

The Pirelli and Princeton University partnership will be launched in January by the Department of French and Italian at the prestigious U.S. University. A newly designed course, team taught by journalist-writer Gianni Riotta and Professor Gaetana Marrone-Puglia, will focus on Italian history from the postwar period to the present day through the analysis of the Italian cinema which best captured the characteristics of the day, as well as its political, cultural and lifestyle dynamics.

Students will be called upon to analyze the period of history in question through the production of multi-media projects to which Pirelli will contribute by providing content and material from the Pirelli Foundation’s archives. These include documentaries, manuscripts, photographs, films and advertisements which will enrich the choice of material available to students through which to understand and describe Italian history.

With over 140 years of industrial activity, Pirelli has traversed and contributed to all of the most significant phases of the country’s development, not only from an economic point of view but also socially and culturally. Princeton students and faculty will have access to materials catalogued in the Pirelli Foundation which will offer original research materials such as the world of work, the urban transformation of the city, the modernization of technology, culture and lifestyles.

Pirelli today collaborates with 14 Universities in a global effort to promote scientific and humanistic research. The partnership with Princeton University in the field of the humanities and mass media not only enables the company to support Italian culture abroad, but also gain greater visibility on contemporary trends and the evolution of the world of new media, which are increasingly important also in terms of business.

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