Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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The sector automotive supplier is led by Pirelli. On a 100 points maximum possible result, the tyre manufacturer received 99.60 points in the category Environmental sustainability, 99.0 points in the category Social and 97.80 points in the category Corporate Governance. No other company in that sector obtained comparable top values.

The ratings are based on the assessment performed by Sustainalytics and on DVFA’s (Deutscher Verband der Finanzanalysten) published standard “KPIs for ESG 3.0“. The analysis is based on approximately 100 ESG indicators, covering the fields of environment (E for environment), social responsibility (S for Social) and governance (G for governance).

In order to assesses the sustainability of company’s activities and determine the key indicators, Sustainalytics uses a wide variety of sources, such as corporate communications, corporate websites, media reports, information from so-called NGO’s – non-government organizations, government agencies and direct dialogue with the company itself. Internal Quality Management contributes to consistency and ensures the quality of the analysis. In the area of environment, companies are examined in terms of their ecological footprint, such as whether environmental factors are integrated in the development of products and services, or whether the procurement is sustainable.

The complex social issues related to the company’s relationship with its customers, sup-pliers, employees and the society in general. The philanthropic and social activities of the company are also considered here.

When it comes to corporate governance, compliance with the own strategies, business ethics and communication transparency are considered.

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange regularly publishes sustainability indicators to provide investors the opportunity to support responsible company management.

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Pirelli has officially adhered to the Healthy Workplaces, Manage Stress” Campaign, launched by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

The long-lasting relationship between Pirelli and EU-OSHA started in 2008-2009 with the “Risk Assessment” campaign and continued with the following campaigns in 2010-2011 and 2012-2013, respectively named “Safe Maintenance” and “Working Together for Risk Prevention”.

At the core of the “Healthy Workplaces, Manage Stress” Campaign there are psychosocial risks and work-related stress, in which Pirelli  is constantly active promoting a healthy work environment where employees feel valued and psychosocial risks are properly managed and tackled.

On this, inside the “Excellence in Safety” program already launched in all Pirelli’s industrial plants and developed with DuPont Sustainable Solutions, there’s a description of the stress phenomenon and its effects; in details, it is highlighted how all the activities developed by the Program, such as improvement of the organisational structure, clarity of tasks and roles, workers empowerment and improved communications, can guarantee an adequate work environment which is also safer and more stimulating for workers’ wellbeing.

This program is consistent with the continuous promotion of Safety Culture, which is considered by Pirelli a core element at the basis of a responsible and sustainable growth.

For more information on the 2014-2015 “Healthy Workplaces, Manage Stress” Campaign, please visit the official website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

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The FTSE4Good Semi-Annual June 2015 Review conducted by FTSE has reconfirmed Pirelli in the share indices for responsible investment of the London Stock Exchange FTSE4Good – Automobile & Parts – with a top ESG rating of 100 points out of 100 for the fourth year in a row.

The FTSE4Good Series is designed to help investors integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their investments.

The indices identify companies that better manage ESG risks and are used as a basis for tracker funds, structured products and as a performance benchmark.

The ESG Ratings are used by investors who wish to incorporate ESG factors into their investment decision making processes, or as a framework for corporate engagement and stewardship.

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