Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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The Pirelli Campus for health and safety at work has become one year old in Yanzhou

Press Pirelli-CampusFrom 2008 to today, the school has allocated around 100 hours of training in five factories in the world ‘HSE Campus’, the Pirelli’s Group’s specialist health and safety training at work initiative, has become one year old after that first meeting in November 2008 at Izmit, Turkey, on the subject of ergonomics. The school of health and safety at work has enriched itself with new contents, which now include the analysis of risks, management and improvement of safety methods as well as the evaluation and management of the aspects of ergonomics, through the correct conduct of everyone in the company.

The main inspirer of ‘HSE Campus’ is that of evaluating specialist knowledge present in the company, making it available to whoever can obtain benefit from it for professional reasons, and in doing so grow the culture of health and safety at work within the Pirelli Group.

‘HSE Campus’ is an itinerate school: after the first lessons in Turkey, the initiative went to Carlisle (UK), Settimo Torinese, Bollate (Italy) and lastly Yanzhou (China) with satisfactory results.

Now under development are new courses on the evaluation of chemical risk, the best investigation techniques of the cause of accidents and systems for the improvement of safety in maintenance operations.

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Swiss motorists prefer Pirelli – P lunga is the year’s best tyre brand for the fourth consecutive year according to ‘Auto Illustrierte’ readers

For the fourth consecutive year, Pirelli has won the ‘Best Tuning Cars & Best Brands 2009’,  the contest most liked by the readers of ‘Auto Illustrierte’ (AI), the prestigious independent Swiss motoring magazine. In a survey involving over 2,000 readers, Pirelli was declared the best tyre brand of 2009.Press_Automobilisti-svizzeri

The ‘Best Brand’ contest has by now become an important institution of AI magazine, especially for tuning enthusiasts. Dieter Jermann, Director Swiss Market, Pirelli Tyre (Europe) SA, personally received the ‘Best Brand Award 2009’ during the l’Auto Zürich Car Show, the most important and most visited car fair in German Switzerland, which took place in the city from 5-8 November.

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Pirelli Tyre receives the Innovation Award in the "Day of Research"

Imprese per Innovazione_logoRome, 6 November – On the occasion of the VII Giornata della Ricerca (VII Day of Research), an awards ceremony took place for the 2009 Premio Imprese x Innovazione  (2009 Award for Business Innovations) won last June by Pirelli Tyre, together with Datalogic and Whirlpool Europe, in the ‘large corporations’ category “for the major contribution of innovation to business results, achieved through the integration of concepts and instruments of innovation into the daily activities of personnel at all levels of the organisation”.

The awards scheme, launched by Confindustria (the Confederation of Italian Industry) in collaboration with APQI – Associazione Premio Qualità Italia (the Quality Award Association of Italy) and a number of experts of the sector, has as its objective to make known and diffuse organisational and strategic models oriented toward growth through innovation.

The Premio was received on behalf of Pirelli Tyre by Maurizio Boiocchi, head of the company’s Product Development. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, the vice-president for Research&Innovation Diana Bracco and Mariastella Gelmini, Minister of Education, as a testimony to the authorititativeness of this initiative, now in its third year.

To know more and to listen to the interview to M. Boiocchi (available in Italian only):