Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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From July 7th to July 30th Pirelli’s employees can visit the “Material-Value-Immaterial” photography exhibition, entirely dedicated to tyres’ recycling.

The exhibit arises from young Milanese photographer Daniele Tamagni’s suggestions. For Ecopneus – non-profit Limited Company working on the traceability, collection, treatment and recovery of End-of-Life Tyres (ELT) – he realized a series of snapshots narrating the first and the second life of tyres.

Images are exhibited inside Pirelli’s headquarter in Milan Bicocca and have a two-fold purpose: to sensitise the audience on the environmental implications related to the recovering of End-of-Life Tyres and to show what are tyres’ possible reuses, such as the creation of synthetic soccer fields and road asphalt.