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Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli Voice: the excellent newsletter

The Chinese house organ named among the Top Ten Excellent Enterprise publications

Last December, 10 internal magazines were judged the Top Ten Excellent Enterprise publications in a competition for companies in the Shandong Province in which there are the offices of our Chinese factory at Yangzhou.

Pirelli Voice, the company’s internal magazine in China, was named one the top 10 and Pirelli was the only foreign company to receive such an honour.

The house organ has been published for five years and plays an important role in the diffusion of information and content among our Chinese colleagues, as well as helping to communicate a sense of identity and belonging among its readers. The internal magazine brings together contributions from many employees concerning both notifications and subjects which, as far as the text of the stories goes, become fundamental elements in the company’s cultural growth. Over the last five years, more than 3,000 articles have been published in Pirelli Voice, and they have led to the discovery of writers whose daily jobs are completely different.

The monthly newsletter, which has improved in quality year-by-year, has captured the multi-cultural spirit of the Pirelli factories, as it has been able to follow with enthusiasm the company’s development in the country.

Categories: Sustainability

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Truck Safety Day: make way for security

The W:01 tyres star at the Livigno Ghiacciodromo. Watch the video and see the photo gallery

The first Pirelli Truck Safety Day took place on 27 January.

The objective was to demonstrate that safety for trucks also means using the most suitable tyres, especially in winter conditions.

At the Ghiacciodromo di Livigno (Livigno Icedrome), with terse skies and an early morning temperature of -12°C, 80 tyre dealers, fleet managers and the press from Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland witnessed  a range of comparative tests between the winter W:01 and ‘summer’ H88 tyres under traction, acceleration, braking distance and bending on snowy/icy surfaces.

Every test was explained by our technicians and the results communicated live.

The W:01 tyres showed they were much superior in all tests so, therefore, safer for use in winter conditions.

The great work by our colleagues from outdoor truck tyre testing was fundamental and invaluable both during the event and in the lead-up days of preparation.

But safety does not only mean choosing the right tyre for each application: it is necessary to constantly measure the pressures and quickly correct any anomalies.

And in that area there is the Cyber Fleet development. After the tyre’s presentation there was also a demonstration: guests were able to verify the data transmitted by sensors fitted inside the tyres that were on a coach, which had been on a brief run to Livigno.

With Pirelli, a day devoted to safety.