Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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The green side of the cinema

Pirelli has launched a new initiative in favour of the local community and environment in Brazil. It is called ‘Cineco’, which means ecological cinema, and is a project that intends to favour the spread of the cinematographic culture, marrying art and ecology. The initiative envisages the installation in communities and social centres of small cinematographic kiosks made of more than 14,000 recycled milk containers, plus the donation of books and DVDs on the cinema to promote the art and improve the conditions of community life among the needy.

The first kiosk has been installed at the Educandàrio Coração  de Maria, the community that cares for about 1,000 children aged between 3 and 15 of Amélia Rodrigues, Bahia, where there is no cinema.

A second kiosk has also been installed in the Zazinha Cerqueira di Feira senior citizens centre, where courses in painting and embroidery are held and in which around 300 old people take part.

Categories: Sustainability