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Maintenance at the heart of safety

Lamanutenzionealcentrodellasicurezza_detailsPirelli has joined the Safe and Healthy Working Environment campaign of the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA). The new 2010-2011 campaign, launched on 28 April by the European Commissioner for Work, Social Policies and Integration László Andor, centres on the theme of Safe Maintenance. The objective is to reduce the number of accidents at the place of work linked to maintenance practices.

The campaign envisages conferences, seminars, workshops and training sessions for the workers and all stakeholders involved in the work of maintenance, especially in the sectors in which the health and safety of the workers is most at risk, such as building, agriculture and chemistry. As well as the events that will take place throughout Europe over the next 18 months, in particular in October during the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, free informative printed and digital information will be distributed on the subjects of maintenance and safety.

Among the activities that Pirelli will promote is the organisation of an HSE Pirelli International meeting at one of the premises at which an EU-OSHA delegation will participate, and the external diffusion of good maintenance practices.

“We estimate that 20% of all accidents at work in Europe are connected with the practice of maintenance, and in some sectors half of them take place due to inadequate maintenance”, said Jukka Takala, director of the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work. “That is why it is fundamental that maintenance is carried out correctly, especially if workers’ health and security are at stake”.

This is the second partnership for Pirelli after that of last year centred on the Evaluation of Risk, which was proposed to promote a participatory approach to the evaluation of risks based on consultation and the participation of all people present at the place of work.

With over 30 countries involved and a volume of about four million items of informative material distributed in all the official languages of the European Union, over time the European campaign has become one of the most extensive annual awareness campaigns.

More details concerning the campaign and the commitments made by Pirelli can be found on the European Agency’s site in the appropriate section: